The Near East 1500 before Christ
Common culture and ideology
The time is aprox. between 1700 and 1300 bC. It is the period of the late Hyksos Dynasties and the 18th dynasty in Egypt.
There is a international written language -a kind of Akkadian - that allows communication between Kings. The rulers of the main countries acted as if they were a great family. It is also possible to speak of a common culture and ideology. In his book "A History of the Ancient Near East" Marc van de Mieroop speaks of the "club of the great powers" which is a trading relationship between the main powers of the Near East. Written documentation of the club are found in the "Armarna Letters" .
Theocracies are the norm. The rulers, man or woman, were king/queen and god/goddess in one person. Therefore also the highpriest and highpriestress. The main gods are a mother goddess of the sun and a stormgod. Kingship is matrilineal.