24th December is Mōdraniht, or "Mother's Night"

wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modranect


24th December is Mōdraniht, or "Mother's Night" for those who follow the Germanic Heathenry path. It was celebrated by the Saxons and Anglo Saxons and honours mothers, female ancestors, and the dísir as part of Yuletide. It is separate to Dísablót, which is traditional to the Norse tradition and survives today with the Disting festival in Sweden which is held on 25th January.

A sacrifice was made, and a feast was held to celebrate the mother matrons of their homes. 

We can celebrate Mōdraniht by setting up a small altar with images of our female ancestors, giving our living mothers a gift, and holding a supper, maybe inviting your mothers to attend! A votive offering to the female ancestors, goddesses and dísir is also an idea.

(Image, "Mother and Child" by FreewingS on deviantART http://freewingss.deviantart.com/)